Results for 'Ronald Roy Talmage'

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  1.  26
    Mechanisms of control in motor performance: Closed-loop vs motor programming control.Eric A. Roy & Ronald G. Marteniuk - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (5):985.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Henrietta Schwartz, Ronald D. Cohen, James J. Shields Jr, Mazoor Ahmed, Albert E. Bender, Paul J. Schafer, Charles S. Ungerleider, Andrew T. Kopan, Joseph Watras, George A. Letchworth, Ronald M. Brown, John H. Walker, Ralph B. Kimbrough, C. O. X. Roy L. & Raymond Martin - unknown
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    Science and the Pacific War: Science and Survival in the Pacific, 1939-1945. Roy M. MacLeod.Ronald Rainger - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):219-220.
  4.  38
    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Glorianne M. Leck, Charles R. Schindler, Thomas A. Brindley, James J. Van Patten, Richard E. Hult Jr, H. Michael Sokolow, Ronald K. Goodenow, Ned B. Lovell, Robert J. Skovira, Erskine S. Dottin, Roy Silver, W. Ross Palmer & Charles Vert Willie - 1980 - Educational Studies 11 (2):180-199.
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    Walter E. Broman, Timothy C. Lord, Roy W. Perrett, Colin Dickson, Jill P. Baumgaertner, Eva L. Corredor, William E. Cain, Ronald Bogue, Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn, Jay S. Andrews, David M. Thompson, David Carey, David Parker, David Novitz, Norman Simms, David Herman, Paul Taylor, Jeff Mason, Robert D. Cottrell, David Gorman, Mark Stein, Constance S. Spreen, Will Morrisey, Jan Pilditch, Herman Rapaport, Mark Johnson, Michael McClintick, John D. Cox, Arthur Kirsch, Burton Watson, Michael Platt, Gary M. Ciuba, Karsten Harries, Mary Anne O'Neil. [REVIEW]Wendell V. Harris - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (2):373.
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    Trauma at Tortosa: The Testimony of Abraham Rimoch.Frank Talmage - 1985 - Mediaeval Studies 47 (1):379-415.
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    Utilitarianism and the Morality of Killing.R. Stephen Talmage - 1972 - Philosophy 47 (179):55 - 63.
    In the course of his interesting paper ‘The Morality of Killing’ , Mr. T. Goodrich apparently seeks to prove that decisions about population control cannot be based on the utilitarian principle. More exactly, I think, he wishes to show that such decisions cannot be based on this principle by making appeal either to the interests of those persons who would be brought into existence as a result of a decision to add to the population or to the interests, at times (...)
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    Do Survival Values Form a Sufficient Basis for an Objective Morality: A Realist's Appraisal of the Rules of Human Conduct.C. Emerson Talmage - unknown
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  9. Meaning holism and interpretability.C. J. L. Talmage & Mark Mercer - 1991 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (July):301-15.
    The authors argue that while meaning holism makes massive error possible, it does not, as Donald Davidson fears, threaten interpretability. Thus they hold, in opposition to Davidson, that meaning holism need not be constrained by an account of meaning according to which in the methodologically most basic cases the content of a belief is given by the cause of that belief. What ensures interpretability, they maintain, is not that speakers' beliefs are in the main true, but rather that beliefs have (...)
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    The Book of the Honeycomb's Flow: Sēpher Nōphet SūphimThe Book of the Honeycomb's Flow: Sepher Nophet Suphim.Frank Talmage, Judah Messer Leon & Isaac Rabinowitz - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (2):342.
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    Semantic Localism and the Locality of Content.Catherine J. L. Talmage - 1998 - Erkenntnis 48 (1):105-115.
    Semantic localism is the view of meaning defended by Michael Devitt in Coming to Our Senses. In this paper I assess this view by considering how well it answers the concerns that led Akeel Bilgrami in Belief and Meaning to put forward his thesis of the locality of content.
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    Jewish Exegesis of the Book of Ruth.Frank Talmage & D. R. G. Beattie - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (1):111.
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    Peshat and Derash in the Exegesis of Rashi.Frank Talmage & Benjamin J. Gelles - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (3):576.
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  14.  83
    Meaning and triangulation.Catherine J. L. Talmage - 1997 - Linguistics and Philosophy 20 (2):139-145.
  15. Davidson and humpty dumpty.Catherine J. L. Talmage - 1996 - Noûs 30 (4):537-544.
  16. Literal meaning, conventional meaning and first meaning.C. J. L. Talmage - 1994 - Erkenntnis 40 (2):213 - 225.
    Literal meaning is often identified with conventional meaning. In A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs Donald Davidson argues (1) that literal meaning is distinct from conventional meaning, and (2) that literal meaning is identical to what he calls first meaning. In this paper it is argued that Davidson has established (1) but not (2), that he has succeeded in showing that there is a distinction between literal meaning and conventional meaning but has failed to see that literal meaning and first meaning (...)
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    Is there a division of linguistic labour?Catherine J. L. Talmage - 1998 - Philosophia 26 (3-4):421-434.
  18. Pretending to be awake: A reply.R. Stephen Talmage - 1968 - Noûs 2 (1):91-94.
  19. David Kimhi. The Man and the Commentaries.Frank E. Talmage - 1975
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    Meaning intentions.Catherine J. L. Talmage - 1996 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 74 (2):341 – 346.
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    Noun Phrases, Quantifiers, and Generic Names, EJ LOWE Frege and Russell have taught us that indefinite and plural noun phrases in natural language often function as quantifier expressions rather than as referring expressions, despite possessing many syntactical simi-larities with names. But it can be shown that in some of their most im.Catherine Jl Talmage & Mark Mercer - 1991 - Philosophy 66 (257).
  22.  3
    The psychology of religious awakening.Elmer Talmage Clark - 1929 - New York,: Macmillan.
  23.  67
    Why actions might be willings.Eugene Schlossberger & Ron Talmage - 1980 - Philosophical Studies 38 (2):199 - 203.
  24. Beyond the gap: An introduction to naturalizing phenomenology.Jean-Michel Roy, Jean Petitot, Bernard Pachoud & Francisco J. Varela - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy, Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press.
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    Self-Management in Psychiatry as Reducing Self-Illness Ambiguity.Roy Dings & Gerrit Glas - 2020 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 27 (4):333-347.
  26.  87
    Understanding phenomenological differences in how affordances solicit action. An exploration.Roy Dings - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (4):681-699.
    Affordances are possibilities for action offered by the environment. Recent research on affordances holds that there are differences in how people experience such possibilities for action. However, these differences have not been properly investigated. In this paper I start by briefly scrutinizing the existing literature on this issue, and then argue for two claims. First, that whether an affordance solicits action or not depends on its relevance to the agent’s concerns. Second, that the experiential character of how an affordance solicits (...)
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  27. The strength model of self-control.Roy Baumeister, Kathleen Vohs & Dianne Tice - 2007 - Current Directions in Psychological Science 16 (6):351–5.
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    Relation of threatened egotism to violence and aggression: The dark side of high self-esteem.Roy F. Baumeister, Laura Smart & Joseph M. Boden - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (1):5-33.
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    Situating the self: understanding the effects of deep brain stimulation.Roy Dings & Leon de Bruin - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (2):151-165.
    The article proposes a theoretical model to account for changes in self due to Deep Brain Stimulation. First, we argue that most existing models postulate a very narrow conception of self, and thus fail to capture the full range of potentially relevant DBS-induced changes. Second, building on previous work by Shaun Gallagher, we propose a modified ‘pattern-theory of self’, which provides a richer picture of the possible consequences of DBS treatment.
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  30.  56
    The dynamic and recursive interplay of embodiment and narrative identity.Roy Dings - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (2):186-210.
  31.  74
    Free will in scientific psychology.Roy F. Baumeister - 2008 - .
    Some actions are freer than others, and the difference is palpably important in terms of inner process, subjective perception, and social consequences. Psychology can study the difference between freer and less free actions without making dubious metaphysical commitments. Human evolution seems to have created a relatively new, more complex form of action control that corresponds to popular notions of free will. It is marked by self-control and rational choice, both of which are highly adaptive, especially for functioning within culture. The (...)
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    The philosophy of metaReality: creativity, love, and freedom.Roy Bhaskar - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    The Vedanta of conciousness : transcendence, enlightenment and everyday life -- The alienated self and the Kabbala of transformation -- The Zen of creativity and the critique of the discursive intellect -- The Tao of love and unconditionality in commitment -- The yoga of action and effortless efficiency -- The nous of perception and the re-enchantment of the tree of life -- The gnosis of freedom and the Fana of fulfilment.
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  33. The Function Argument in the Eudemian Ethics.Roy C. Lee - 2022 - Ancient Philosophy 42 (1):191-214.
    This paper reconstructs the function argument of Aristotle’s Eudemian Ethics 2.1. The argument seeks to define happiness through the method of division; shows that the highest good is better than all four of the goods of the soul, not only two, as commentators have thought; and unlike the Nicomachean argument, makes the highest good definitionally independent of the human function.
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    Perspectival Logical Pluralism.Roy T. Cook - 2023 - Res Philosophica 100 (2):171-202.
    Logical pluralism is the view that there is more than one formal logic that correctly (or best, or legitimately) codifies the logical consequence relation in natural language. This essay provides a taxonomy of different variations on the logical pluralist theme based on a five-part structure, and then identifies an unoccupied position in this taxonomy: perspectival logical pluralism. Perspectival pluralism provides an attractive position from which to formulate a philosophy of logic from a feminist perspective (and from other, identity-based perspectives, such (...)
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  35.  41
    Learning words from sights and sounds: a computational model.Deb K. Roy & Alex P. Pentland - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (1):113-146.
    This paper presents an implemented computational model of word acquisition which learns directly from raw multimodal sensory input. Set in an information theoretic framework, the model acquires a lexicon by finding and statistically modeling consistent cross‐modal structure. The model has been implemented in a system using novel speech processing, computer vision, and machine learning algorithms. In evaluations the model successfully performed speech segmentation, word discovery and visual categorization from spontaneous infant‐directed speech paired with video images of single objects. These results (...)
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  36. Suicide as escape from self.Roy F. Baumeister - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (1):90-113.
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    Selling Smartness: Corporate Narratives and the Smart City as a Sociotechnical Imaginary.Roy Bendor & Jathan Sadowski - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (3):540-563.
    This article argues for engaging with the smart city as a sociotechnical imaginary. By conducting a close reading of primary source material produced by the companies IBM and Cisco over a decade of work on smart urbanism, we argue that the smart city imaginary is premised in a particular narrative about urban crises and technological salvation. This narrative serves three main purposes: it fits different ideas and initiatives into a coherent view of smart urbanism, it sells and disseminates this version (...)
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  38. Conservativeness, Stability, and Abstraction.Roy T. Cook - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (3):673-696.
    One of the main problems plaguing neo-logicism is the Bad Company challenge: the need for a well-motivated account of which abstraction principles provide legitimate definitions of mathematical concepts. In this article a solution to the Bad Company challenge is provided, based on the idea that definitions ought to be conservative. Although the standard formulation of conservativeness is not sufficient for acceptability, since there are conservative but pairwise incompatible abstraction principles, a stronger conservativeness condition is sufficient: that the class of acceptable (...)
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    The model in theory construction.Roy Lachman - 1960 - Psychological Review 67 (2):113-129.
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  40. Unknowable Obligations.Roy Sorensen - 1995 - Utilitas 7 (2):247-271.
    You face two buttons. Pushing one will destroy Greensboro. Pushing the other will save it. There is no way for you to know which button saves and which destroys. What ought you to do? Answer: You ought to make the correct guess and push the button that saves Greensboro. Second question: Do you have an obligation to push the correct button?
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    Recent research on free will: Conceptualizations, beliefs, and processes.Roy Baumeister - 2014 - Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 50:1-52.
    This chapter summarizes research on free will. Progress has been made by discarding outmoded philosophical notions in favor of exploring how ordinary people understand and use the notion of free will. The concept of responsible autonomy captures many aspects of layperson concepts of free will, including acting on one's own (i.e., not driven by external forces), choosing, using reasons and personal values, conscious reflection, and knowing and accepting consequences and moral implications. Free will can thus be understood as form of (...)
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  42. Virtue and Contemplation in Eudemian Ethics 8.3.Roy C. Lee - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy.
    This paper argues that in Eudemian Ethics 8.3, virtue’s mean between excess and deficiency is defined by the standard of promoting the most contemplation. Promotion is indirect and constrained by virtue’s other essential features. The chapter’s apparent restriction of the standard to actions concerning natural goods actually serves a dialectical, not a restrictive, purpose. This paper proposes to unify the chapter’s argumentative arc.
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    The Complex Phenomenology of Episodic Memory: Felt Connections, Multimodal Perspectivity, and Multifaceted Selves.Roy Dings & Christopher Jude McCarroll - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (11-12):29-55.
    There is thought to be a rich connection between the self and the phenomenology of episodic memory. Despite the emphasis on this link, the precise relation between the two has been underexplored. In fact, even though it is increasingly acknowledged that there are various facets of the self, this notion of the multifaceted self has played very little role in theorizing about the phenomenology of episodic memory. Getting clear about the complex phenomenology of episodic memory involves getting clear about various (...)
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    Unconscious integration of multisensory bodily inputs in the peripersonal space shapes bodily self-consciousness.Roy Salomon, Jean-Paul Noel, Marta Łukowska, Nathan Faivre, Thomas Metzinger, Andrea Serino & Olaf Blanke - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):174-183.
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    Ethical Culture in Organizations: A Review and Agenda for Future Research.Achinto Roy, Alexander Newman, Heather Round & Sukanto Bhattacharya - 2024 - Business Ethics Quarterly 34 (1):97-138.
    We review and synthesize over two decades of research on ethical culture in organizations, examining eighty-nine relevant scholarly works. Our article discusses the conceptualization of ethical culture in a cross-disciplinary space and its critical role in ethical decision-making. With a view to advancing future research, we analyze the antecedents, outcomes, and mediator and moderator roles of ethical culture. To do so, we identify measures and theories used in past studies and make recommendations. We propose, inter alia, the use of validated (...)
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    Signs, Language, and Communication: Integrational and Segregational Approaches.Roy Harris - 1996 - Psychology Press.
    Harris proposes a new theory of communication, beginning with the premise that the mental life of an individual should be conceived of as a continuous attempt to integrate the present with the past and future.
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  47. Language, Saussure, and Wittgenstein: how to play games with words.Roy Harris - 1988 - New York: Routledge.
    Saussure as a linguist and Wittgenstein as a philosopher of language are arguably the two most important figures in the development of twentieth-century ...
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  48. Embracing revenge: on the indefinite extendibility of language.Roy T. Cook - 2007 - In J. C. Beall, The Revenge of the Liar: New Essays on the Paradox. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 31.
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    Subjects of Experience E. J. Lowe New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996, x + 209 pp. [REVIEW]Catherine J. L. Talmage - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (3):631-.
    The central topic of this book is the relationship between persons or selves who think, feel, and act and their physical bodies. While this is a familiar topic, the position taken by E. J. Lowe is decidedly unfamiliar. Unlike most contemporary philosophers, Lowe rejects all versions of physicalism in favour of the dualist view that selves are irreducible psychological substances. As just stated, this view might well strike one as all too familiar. However, despite his commitment both to dualism and (...)
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  50. Marxism and Critical Realism: A Debate.Roy Bhaskar & Alex Callinicos - 2003 - Journal of Critical Realism 1 (2):89-114.
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